Matki (Moth bean) Usal is very popular in most parts of Maharshtra. This recipe is prepared differently in different parts of Maharshtra.It also is differently prepared for different occasions. Like if this is made as a part of any festive food it will be without Onion and garlic, with gravy/without gray..the combinations are many.I love the hot, spicy version.
Misal is a another very popular version of Usal. Usal topped with savoury mixture (called Sev), chopped onion and lime juice is Misal. Misal is usually served with bread buns Pav and is eaten for breakfast, lunch, teatime snack, dinner …anytime.You can find it on the menu cards of most of the Maharashtrian hotels..the smaller the hotel the better the taste. We have one small hotel..its actually an eatery near my workplace which exclusively serves Misal. People come from all corners of the town to eat this special Misal right from 8 in the morning…
So here’s hot,spicy, fiery Usal-Misal

For Usal you need:
1 cup Moth/Matki bean sprouts (You can use a mix of sprouts like Moong,Chana etc..but Moth/Matki is usually used to make Usal)
- 4 onions big sliced
- 3 - 4 cloves garlic
- xbd tbsp coconut dried grated
- 1 tsp Masala Kanda Lasun
- xbd tsp Mustard seeds
- xbd tsp seeds cumene
- xbc tsp turmeric powder
- 2 tsp Red Chilli powder
- 3 tsp oil
- 2 cups water
- to taste salt
- Cook the Matki sprouts with some salt and water. Keep it aside. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan. Add the crushed garlic and sliced onions and fry till golden brown. Add the dried coconut and fry for few more minutes or till the coconut starts turning brown. Switch off the gas and cool this mixture. Grind the mixture to a fine paste. Add little water if required. Now heat 2 tsp oil in the same pan add the mustard seeds and once they crackle,add cumene seeds. Then add the ground paste and fry nicely till the mixture starts leaving oil.(Keep on stirring or else the mixture will burn.) Now add the Kanda Lasun Masala, and the chilli powder and fry for 1 minute. Add the cooked Matki sprouts and fry nicely for 2 minutes then add some water and adjust to the consistency of a semi -thick gravy.
- When this Usal or Misal is served in the eateries this gravy has lots of demand. It is called as Tarri or Rassa.If you have asked for 1 plate of Usal/Misal the waiter keeps on serving this tarri with a mug(!) till you finish. By the time we finish eating most of us are reaching for our handkerchief to wipe your eyes,nose,face J savoring the taste of this spicy Usal.
- Usual at home is usually made for lunch or dinner and served like other veggies to be eaten with Rotis or rice.
- For Misal -prepare Usal and top it with Sev,chopped onion and lime juice just before serving.Serve with Pav/bread bun.
- Matki Usal with lime,chopped onion,Sev and Pav
OH!! I love this Misal, Madhuli! When I was in college in Belgaum, there was this little restaurant we used to go to eat Misal with little pakodas in it! YUM!! I still remember the taste!!
Thanks for this recipe,I will try misal this weekend!:))
@ Misal with pakodas sounds interesting too!Thanks
Hey.. What a coincidence … I am making this tonite..
Thats a lovely combination dear… I will try this soon…
@Thanks Shilpa.Let me know whether you like it
I was looking for a usal recipe for my moong today and came across ur blog. nice detailed recipe. Thanks a lot.
Excellent recipe. Can you also give the recipe to make TARRI?
tarri please!!!
Thank God for this recipe, I was desperately looking for it but I need the recipe for Kanda Lasun Masala.
Yum! Just enjoyed this recipe with a little variation, I didnt paste the onions and coconut just left the big and because I had no red chilli paste I used sliced green chilli, also since i didnt have this Kanda Lasun Masala I just used the Masala I had in the cupboard. Still Delicious though!
I will try to find the Kanda Lasun Masala and recipe for Sev and Pav.
good recipe
You must check out at pune city for matki usal it has the following ganish like farsan with onion,tamatoes,green chillies,corainder these r mixed in the farsan.again they add kanda poha,patato bhaji,
toped with Matki usal curry & served with Pav or bread slice lime pcs.